Interface IFieldsMetadataClassSerializer

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFieldsMetadataClassSerializer, FreemarkerFieldsMetadataClassSerializer, VelocityFieldsMetadataClassSerializer

public interface IFieldsMetadataClassSerializer
extends IBaseDiscovery

Fields metadata serializer used to load FieldsMetadata from Java Class model.

Method Summary
 void load(FieldsMetadata fieldsMetadata, String key, Class<?> clazz)
          Load simple fields metadata in the given fieldsMetadata by using the given key and Java Class.
 void load(FieldsMetadata fieldsMetadata, String key, Class<?> clazz, boolean listType)
          Load simple/list fields metadata in the given fieldsMetadata by using the given key and Java Class.
Methods inherited from interface fr.opensagres.xdocreport.core.discovery.IBaseDiscovery
getDescription, getId

Method Detail


void load(FieldsMetadata fieldsMetadata,
          String key,
          Class<?> clazz)
          throws XDocReportException
Load simple fields metadata in the given fieldsMetadata by using the given key and Java Class.

fieldsMetadata - the fieldsMetadata where fields metadata must be added.
key - the key (first token) to use to generate field name.
clazz - the Java class model to use to load fields metadata.


void load(FieldsMetadata fieldsMetadata,
          String key,
          Class<?> clazz,
          boolean listType)
          throws XDocReportException
Load simple/list fields metadata in the given fieldsMetadata by using the given key and Java Class.

fieldsMetadata - the fieldsMetadata where fields metadata must be added.
key - the key (first token) to use to generate field name.
clazz - the Java class model to use to load fields metadata.
listType - true if it's a list and false otherwise.

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